RNA Silencing Product Selection

Select the ideal gene silencing solution for your research with our guided selection process

1. Choose Product Class
Self-delivering ASOs, ideal for hard-to-transfect primary cells, organoids, & animal studies.

Key uses:

  • High throughput screening
  • Target identification and validation
  • Pre-clinical studies
  • Studies in challenging cell types
Ideal for cell lines compatible with transfection reagents. Budget-friendly option.

Key uses:

  • High throughput screening
  • Target identification
  • Target validation
  • Cost-effective research
2. Choose Product Type
3. Target Information

*If no sequence is provided, our team will design an optimized ASO for your target using our proprietary AUMsilence platform with AI-driven design algorithms.*

4. Experiment Details
5. ASO Options
We recommend choosing 3-5 ASOs for optimal results.
Our AI-driven design platform selects the most effective sequences for your target.
6. ASO Details
Basic purification is ideal for cell lines.
HPLC is recommended for sensitive primary cells and animal studies.

Use a scrambled sequence as a negative control.
Cost: Same as selected Oligo Quantity (once).
Use a positive control to see knockdown efficiency
in commonly targeted genes.
Cost: Same as selected Oligo Quantity per chosen control.

Please select one or more Positive Controls:

Use this control to visualize uptake of
self-delivering compounds.
Cost: $399.50

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If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]