AUM Biotech offers a range of specialized RNA silencing products tailored for different research needs. Our portfolio includes self-delivering antisense oligonucleotides (sdASO™) that don't require transfection reagents and budget-friendly options requiring transfection. Whether you're targeting mRNA, microRNA, long non-coding RNA, viral RNA, or modifying RNA splicing, we have a solution designed for your specific application.

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AUMsilence™ sdASO™

Self-delivering antisense molecules designed for potent mRNA silencing in virtually any cell type, with up to 95% knockdown efficiency.

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AUMantagomir™ sdASO™

Self-delivering antisense molecules for microRNA inhibition, allowing researchers to block specific miRNAs and reveal their biological functions.

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AUMlnc™ sdASO™

Self-delivering antisense oligos optimized to bind and degrade lncRNA transcripts, including nuclear-retained RNAs beyond the reach of traditional RNAi.

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AUMblock™ sdASO™

Self-delivering antisense oligos designed to block RNA function without degradation, perfect for preventing RNA-protein interactions or RNA-RNA interactions.

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AUMskip™ sdASO™

Self-delivering antisense oligos engineered for splice modulation, allowing for exon skipping or inclusion to study alternative splicing or restore gene function.

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AUMsilence V+™

AUMsilence V+™ sdASO™

Self-delivering solution for viral RNA silencing, accelerating virology research and antiviral therapeutic discovery.

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AUMsaver™ ASO

Budget-friendly yet highly effective gene silencing option requiring transfection, ensuring labs of all sizes can access our next-generation technology.

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Select Your RNA Target Type


Messenger RNA coding for proteins

Recommended: AUMsilence™ sdASO™


Small non-coding RNAs that regulate gene expression

Recommended: AUMantagomir™ sdASO™

Long non-coding RNA

Longer non-coding RNAs (>200 nt)

Recommended: AUMlnc™ sdASO™

RNA Interactions

Block RNA-protein or RNA-RNA interactions

Recommended: AUMblock™ sdASO™

RNA Splicing

Modify alternative splicing or skip exons

Recommended: AUMskip™ sdASO™

Viral RNA

RNA from viruses (genomes or transcripts)

Recommended: AUMsilence V+™ sdASO™


Need cost-effective options for any RNA target

Recommended: AUMsaver™ ASO

Select Your Research Application

Primary Cells

Hard-to-transfect primary cells (neurons, immune cells, etc.)

Recommended: AUMsilence™ sdASO™ or AUMlnc™ sdASO™

Cell Lines

Standard immortalized cell lines

Recommended: AUMsaver™ ASO or AUMsilence™ sdASO™

In Vivo Studies

Animal models (mice, rats, etc.)

Recommended: AUMsilence™ sdASO™


Viral research and antiviral development

Recommended: AUMsilence V+™ sdASO™

Genetic Disease Models

Splicing disorders and gene therapy approaches

Recommended: AUMskip™ sdASO™

Mechanism Studies

RNA-protein or RNA-RNA interaction research

Recommended: AUMblock™ sdASO™

Product Selection Wizard

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Step 1: What type of RNA are you targeting?